title: Planning a Workation
excerpt: I did my first workation with my wife just over a year ago. We would have loved to stay longer, but in the end we were only able to stay for a month due to our circumstances. So it was perhaps a bit of a dip in the deep end as far as workations are concerned, but it was definitely a great experience that we can fully recommend. However, we found the planning challenging to say the least, so here is a short list of what you need to look out for first and foremost.
coverImageInfo: Selfmade
date: "2024-04-22T07:00Z"
source: https://adriankast.notion.site/Planning-a-Workation-EN-ba7cbf2a462e49669e3a972e8bf4943d?pvs=4
I did my first workation with my wife just over a year ago. We would have loved to stay longer, but in the end we were only able to stay for a month due to our circumstances. So it was perhaps a bit of a dip in the deep end as far as workations are concerned, but it was definitely a great experience that we can fully recommend. However, we found the planning challenging to say the least, so here is a short list of what you need to look out for first and foremost.
At the beginning of our considerations, we set a rough target period so that both of us could prepare for it and coordinate the whole thing with work, for example. It's not so much about having a fixed departure and return date, but rather a rough time frame to start planning. It is important to start planning early enough, we would recommend at least six months in advance, especially if it is your first time on a workation.